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If you have beautiful, tanned skin, and want to switch up your hair colour, you’ve come to the right place. Scroll down and discover the best hair colours for tanned skin, from warm browns and rich brunettes to strawberry reds. So, get ready to choose your favorite and rock a new hue that will make you stand out from the crowd.

What is tanning?

Tanning is a natural process that happens when your skin gets exposed to the sun. When sunlight hits your skin, it triggers the production of a pigment called melanin, which is responsible for giving your skin its colour. When you spend time in the sun, your body goes into defence mode and produces more melanin to shield your skin from the sun’s rays. This increased melanin production leads to a darkening effect, giving you that sun-kissed glow.

Fitzpatrick scale

The Fitzpatrick scale is a universally recognized standard that classifies different skin types and their response to ultraviolet (UV) light. It serves as a useful tool for estimating how various skin types react to UV exposure.

Top hair colours for tanned skin:

1. Sun-kissed Brown

This shade captures the essence of what the sun does to your hair after a summer spent at the beach. It brings a touch of warmth to a luscious brown base, just like the natural highlights that emerge from sun-kissed strands. It’s like bottling up that beachy glow and carrying it with you wherever you go.

best hair colours for tanned skin

How to get a sun-kissed brown hair colour:

2. Strawberry Red          

The light red hair colour is a fantastic choice for tanned skin as it combines golden and orange tones to make your sun-kissed complexion glow and make any eye colour pop from afar. A hairstyle that is sure to turn heads.

How to get a strawberry hair colour:

3. Mocha Caramel

This coffee-inspired hue is so versatile that it’s neither a cool nor warm shade. That’s what makes it so flattering on all skin tones. Plus, you have the freedom to customize your shade by adding highlights and lowlights. By doing so, you can easily adjust the colour to create a warmer or cooler mocha look that suits your preference.

best hair colours for tanned skin

How to get a mocha caramel hair colour:

4. Pumpkin Spice

Think of this shade as auburn with more orange tones. This fabulous look combines a delightful blend of warm caramel, strawberry blonde, and honey blonde tones that adds warmth, vibrancy, and dimension to your hair.

How to get a pumpkin spice hair colour:

5. Rich Auburn

This dark tone incorporates a blend of red, burgundy, and brown hues, perfect for those with medium skin tones. It’s a shade that brings out the best in tanned skin tone, adding depth and dimension to the overall look.

best hair colours for tanned skin

How to get a rich auburn colour:


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