What do you think of your body? Do you ever have these thoughts like “I wish I could be as slim as Betty’’ or “I don’t like my skin tone’’? Sometimes people even didn’t unaware of the judgement they have towards their bodies. You can try to write down 10 words about your body on a piece of paper to figure out how do you feel about your body. Is there more positive or negative expression? What target do you want to achieve with your body?
I am sure most of us are not always have enough confidence in our body image. Especially most TV advertisements or films give us the misperception of slim bodies and flawless skin should be the ideal standard of beauty.
Love and appreciate the unique self
But it’s not. It’s because everyone is different. We shouldn’t put ourselves in one standard. We are beautiful regardless of hair, body shape, disability, acne, and gender identity.
Nowadays, bigger people represent in a positive light in films or advertisements. More and more people realise the importance of body passivity and body neutrality. It’s all about body acceptance and boosting body confidence: to love and appreciate the unique self.
Every body is unique and worth appreciating. Follow these tips to learn how to embrace the authentic self and boost body confidence.
Filter your social media feed
You should avoid consuming sites or influencers’ profiles that trigger low self-esteem. Seek out and follow accounts that promote body positivity or do not focus on the body at all. These social feeds can become daily reminders to reverse your mindset of self-view.
You are more than your body and numbers
Your appearance cannot define your self-worth. You don’t need to love your body 24/7. When you feel insecure about your body, it doesn’t mean you are worthless.
Also, the number of your weight, the size of your jeans or the calories burned cannot represent the healthy and happy version of your body.
So, listen to what your body needs whenever it feels tired and hungry. Moreover, appreciate the capabilities of your body when you exercise instead of carlories bruned.
Take care of your body
Body positivity doesn’t mean that you don’t need to take care of your body or have an unhealthy lifestyle. The purpose is not to have a body shape like the influencer on social media. Instead, practising a healthy lifestyle is one of the ways to show respect and care to our bodies.
Likewise, you can carve out some time to do a body massage, lay in the grass or take a bubble bath. Dressing up or taking a nap can be a gift too.
Here’re some tips of how to love your body.

Try positive affirmations
Focus on what you love about yourself and stop negative self-talk. Recognize the diversity of body image and embrace the authentic self. Try to say a nice thing about yourself in front of the mirror every day. You can also stick encouraging memos on your table or change the wallpaper of your phone with positive notes.
We’ve got you a 5-Day Love Your Body Challenge, give yourself a go and see what amazing changes it brings to you.

Last but not least, embrace your uniqueness, love who you are.