Flimeal Coklat Susu 4'S
Sebagai pengganti makanan rendah kalori (200 Kkal),
untuk keperluan diet dan keseimbangan energi
Membantu memenuhi nutrisi harian, kaya akan protein, serat,
karbohidrat kompleks, lemak baik dan menahan rasa lapar
Flimeal membantu keberhasilan program turun berat badan,
melalui defisit kalori
Menghemat waktu kamu yang tidak sempat makan berat
Place of Origin
Commodity Specifications
BPOM : MD267031220523
Protein Kacang-kacangan Protein Kedelai Isolate Bubuk Labu Beras Cokelat Biji Chia Bubuk Kakao Krimer Nabati Bubuk Ekstra Malt Wijen Hitam Ekstrak Apel Stevia Fruktosa Bubuk Flaxseed Oil Klorofil
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Shipping & Delivery
- Home Delivery. The delivery period follows the estimated regular shipping schedule:
- Jabodetabek Area: 1 - 2 working days.
- Java, Bali, NTT, NTB Area: 2-6 working days.
- Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi Area: 2 - 7 working days.
- Maluku and Papua Area: 3 - 12 working days.
- Home Delivery Express. A delivery method where items are ordered online and delivered directly to your home in just 2 hours or less.
- Click & Collect Express. Our delivery method that orders items online and picks up at a store, and you can come to the store to pick up the order.
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