Lip Makeup

Suede Lip Matte

Quickmatte Loose Powder

Eye Makeup

Matte Fit Powder Foundation

Skincover Air Cushion

Allah SWT has reminded us in Surah Al-Asr that mankind are at loss because they are not spending their TIME wisely. As a Muslimah, she knows that her time in this world is limited. She wants to continue making progressions in her life as a form of gratitude for the time she has been blessed upon. So, in order to appreciate every moment of her life, she has to make the best use of her time.
Especially in Ramadan, she wants to prioritize her time on activities that will support her growth as a Muslim woman in this modern world. To do this, she will have to self-reflect on the way she has been spending time and be mindful of selecting activities that helps her focus on refining herself to become the high value woman she aspires to be.